Making reality even more magical.



Activate has been pushing the boundaries of AR & VR since 2013. From humble beginnings in Brisbane, our team has grown and expanded, and includes screen credited producers and award-winning experts from diverse backgrounds and skill sets. From early adopters to industry leaders, we have created incredible experiences all over the world, from the UK to China.


Activate Studio’s first AR project called The Monster Zoo sent young minds on an AR scavenger hunt to find invisible monsters. Little did we know, this was just the beginning. The success of The Monster Zoo led to the year long award winning Underwater Adventure series, commissioned by Lendlease & The Sunshine Plaza where we crafted 3 beautiful narratives that sent users finding and talking to sea creatures and helping clean up their oceans.


We soon started working with universities, crafting AR projects designed to help educate patients about their diabetes medication with AR with the Queensland University of Technology and teaching young people about the importance of empathy with Griffith University. The story continued with global car brands like Suzuki where we integrated augmented reality thinking into their marketing strategy as well as crafting a showroom tool to assist staff with selling the latest model.


With one decade under our belt, here’s to another. Look out for Activate’s work at the upcoming EKKA 2023. The team has been busy designing an unforgettable augmented reality experience for all Queenslanders to enjoy!

Augmented Reality FAQs

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information on top of the physical world. It creates an interactive experience by adding virtual elements to real-world environments. With the use of a smartphone or tablet, AR allows users to see and interact with virtual objects in their surroundings. But what exactly is augmented reality, and how does it work?

AR technology uses a combination of sensors, cameras, and algorithms to detect and track the physical environment. This allows virtual objects to be placed and anchored to specific locations or objects in the real world. When a user views the scene through a compatible device, the virtual objects appear as if they are part of the physical environment.

AR technology has a range of applications, from advertising and marketing to education and entertainment. For example, a retailer could use AR to allow customers to virtually try on clothes or see how furniture would look in their home. A museum could use AR to provide interactive exhibits or to bring historical artefacts to life.

Activate Studios has experience creating AR experiences for a variety of industries, including retail, education, and tourism. Our team can work with you to create custom AR solutions that meet your specific needs and goals.

As technology continues to evolve, businesses are exploring new ways to engage customers and enhance their operations. Two emerging technologies that have gained significant attention in recent years are augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). While both AR and VR are immersive technologies that offer unique experiences, there are some key differences between them. In this blog post, we’ll explore what sets AR and VR apart.

AR technology overlays digital information on top of the physical world, creating an interactive experience. Users can interact with virtual objects in their real-world environment, typically through the use of a smartphone or tablet. AR is often used for marketing and advertising, allowing customers to see how products would look in their homes or to provide additional information about a product.

On the other hand, VR technology creates a completely immersive digital environment, often through the use of a headset or other wearable device. Users are completely immersed in a digital world and can interact with virtual objects and other users. VR is often used for gaming, education, and training.

One of the main differences between AR and VR is the level of immersion. AR technology adds digital information to the physical world, while VR technology creates a completely digital environment. AR is typically less immersive than VR, but it offers the advantage of allowing users to remain aware of their surroundings.

Another difference is the type of experiences that AR and VR offer. AR is often used for practical applications, such as providing information about a product or allowing customers to visualise how a product would look in their home. VR is often used for entertainment and educational purposes, such as gaming or simulating real-world scenarios.

Activate Studios is an AR development company that has been creating innovative and immersive AR solutions since 2013. Early adopters at the time, and now global leaders in our field, we are experts in AR software and hardware.

We are an award winning (Underwater Adventure) AR Australian production company with Brisbane headquarters. We  are active participants in the advancement, research and development of AR through our own philanthropic projects (R.E.M.I.) and scholarships (Activate Studios Scholarship) in partnership with leading universities such as Griffith University (teaching empathy to young people) and Queensland University of Technology with MedAugment.

We have been trusted by global brands such as Suzuki (What’s in the Box?) and Lendlease (Sunshine Plaza Shopping Centre), and by government to take this technology into classrooms and educate the future generations (the Create Queensland Regional Roadshow).

We constantly push boundaries by leveraging cutting-edge technology to craft breathtaking immersive experiences and our commitment to using technology for good ensures that your AR experience is not only visually stunning but has a positive social and environmental impact.

AR for theme parks, cruise ships, major events and festivals will immerse your guests in experiences that have them exploring in new and unique ways like never before.

Guests could use AR glasses or mobile devices to access interactive maps, virtual tours, and real-time information about attractions, start times, availability or performances. AR could also be used to create immersive games and scavenger hunts, allowing guests to explore the park, ship, or festival in a unique way. In addition, AR could be used for advertising and marketing, with brands creating AR experiences that engage and entertain guests.

AR can be used to bring rides and attractions to life, creating an immersive experience for guests. Guests wearing AR glasses could see digital elements overlaid onto the physical environment as they ride a roller coaster or walk through a themed area. AR can also be used for scavenger hunts or other interactive games throughout the park.

AR can be used to enhance onboard activities and entertainment, such as interactive tours of the ship, virtual reality experiences, or gamified activities that encourage exploration and learning. AR can also be used to create interactive menus at restaurants and bars or for virtual shopping experiences.

AR can be used to enhance the festival experience by providing interactive installations, art exhibits, and performances. For example, festival-goers could use AR to explore an art exhibit and see digital elements overlaid onto the physical art, or to access additional information about the performers and schedule.

Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionising the way businesses approach marketing and advertising. With the ability to add virtual elements to the real world, AR technology is providing companies with new and innovative ways to engage customers and build brand recognition.

AR marketing allows businesses to create interactive experiences that are both engaging and informative. By using a smartphone or tablet, customers can see and interact with virtual objects in their real-world environment. This creates a memorable experience that can leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

In addition to enhancing the customer experience, AR technology is also providing businesses with new opportunities for brand recognition. By adding virtual elements to real-world environments, businesses can create unique and memorable branding experiences. This can help to increase brand awareness and differentiate a company from its competitors.

Augmented reality (AR) technology is making a big impact on the gaming industry, providing gamers with new and exciting ways to play. AR games and mobile phone applications are becoming increasingly popular, offering gamers an immersive and interactive experience that blurs the lines between the digital and physical world.

With AR games, players can interact with virtual objects in their real-world environment, creating a unique gaming experience that is both engaging and entertaining. This technology is being used to create a wide range of games, from simple puzzle games to complex role-playing games.

AR technology is also being used to create mobile phone applications that enhance the user experience. By using a smartphone’s camera and sensors, AR applications can add virtual elements to the real world. This is being used to create applications that allow users to visualise products in their real-world environment, or to provide additional information about a particular location or object.

As AR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative games and applications that blur the lines between the digital and physical world. If you’re interested in learning more about how AR technology can benefit your business, contact us today to discuss your project and learn more about our AR solutions.

Augmented reality (AR) technology is rapidly advancing, and one of the most exciting developments in this field is AR glasses. These glasses offer users a hands-free and immersive experience, allowing them to interact with virtual objects in the real world.

AR glasses use a combination of sensors, cameras, and projectors to overlay digital information onto the real world, creating a seamless blend of the physical and digital worlds. This technology has a wide range of applications, from gaming and entertainment to education and industrial training.

One of the most significant advantages of AR glasses is their hands-free design. This allows users to interact with virtual objects while still being able to use their hands to complete other tasks. This makes AR glasses ideal for use in industries where hands-free technology is essential, such as manufacturing and healthcare.

Another advantage of AR glasses is their ability to provide users with real-time information. By overlaying digital information onto the real world, users can quickly and easily access information that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. This can be especially useful in educational settings, where students can learn about complex topics in a more immersive and engaging way.

Google and Microsoft have each developed their own AR glasses, with varying degrees of success and challenges. Google’s Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is currently used for business, while Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 is marketed for enterprise and industrial applications. The future of AR glasses is promising as technology improves and industries find innovative ways to utilise AR, and with Apples ‘Mixed Reality’ glasses rumoured to be released in 2024.

AR is transforming the way we learn, providing students with immersive and interactive educational experiences. AR education is being used in classrooms around the world to engage students and enhance their understanding of complex topics.

AR technology allows students to interact with digital objects in the real world, creating a more immersive and engaging learning experience. This technology can be used to enhance traditional learning materials, such as textbooks and lectures, or to create entirely new learning experiences.

One of the significant advantages of AR education is its ability to provide students with hands-on learning experiences. By overlaying digital objects onto the real world, students can interact with these objects in a more tangible way, gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

AR education is also being used to create gamified learning experiences, which make learning more engaging and entertaining. This can be especially beneficial for younger students, who may struggle to engage with traditional learning materials.

As AR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of this technology in education.

AR is being used now in many fields such as marketing, gaming, education, healthcare, and manufacturing, to name a few. In marketing, AR is used to create interactive advertisements and enhance brand experiences. Gaming has seen a massive transformation with AR, creating immersive gameplay experiences that merge the real and virtual worlds. AR education provides students with interactive and hands-on learning experiences that enhance their understanding of complex topics. In healthcare, AR technology is being used to train medical professionals and provide patients with an interactive and informative experience.

However, the potential of AR is far-reaching, and it is set to revolutionise many other fields in the future. AR is already being integrated into smart glasses, which are becoming increasingly popular in various industries, including manufacturing and logistics, allowing workers to interact with digital objects in real-time. In the retail industry, AR technology can be used to create immersive shopping experiences, allowing customers to visualise products in their homes before making a purchase. AR can also transform the travel industry by providing interactive tours of landmarks and historical sites.