Glitter, unicorns, rainbows... and a whole heap of code.

And SO We BEGIN...

Hold on tight and grab your exit buddy as we go on a little adventure.

Crafting immersive experiences is more than just a ‘job’ for us. It is an adventure into new worlds, a magical process where anything is possible. With every stroke of our pens and every pixel we place, we unlock the hidden potential of your vision by exploring the intersection of where story and technology collide.

Concept development

It all starts with an idea.

No matter what state your idea is in, Activate’s team of creative minds has got you covered. We have conceptualised a vast array of projects, each having numerous stories, characters and worlds. We’ll guide you through the process, workshop your ideas, and turn your brilliant, harebrained schemes into reality.

asset creation

When one pixel loves another pixel.

At Activate, we bring your characters, creatures, and worlds to life through pixel artistry. Our portfolio includes designing everything from endangered monsters and the latest models of Suzuki for our client. Our brilliant 2D/3D artists will craft your immersive worlds and bring it to live with loveable characters. With the addition of FX, we will craft you an unforgettable experiences for all to enjoy.

UI/UX design & development

If not this, then that.

Crafting an immersive or interactive product can be a nerve-wracking experience but with Activate Studios, the process is painless. Our team of UI/UX designers us apart and will ensure that your digital baby is not only born beautiful but is also responsive and intuitive. We use a range of tools including Unreal Engine & Unity, React Native, Flutter, Lens Studio, Spark Studio, and more to bring your visions to life.

deployment & analytics

Releasing your projects into world.

Just like guiding a baby bird out of the nest, we have made your app, taught it to think, behave, and respond, and once it’s up and running, we monitor usage and provide valuable information to help it thrive in the big, scary world.

Beyond Digital Boundaries

Elevating experiences through creative innovation.

We don’t just stop at crafting digital mobile applications, but also conceptualise and deliver project components that transcend the boundaries of technology like trading cards, vehicle fit-out, promotional videos, physical components and builds. Our creativity knows no bounds and we’re here to make sure that every experience we deliver is truly extraordinary.